Sorry all who ever read this (if anyone read this except for the commenter) I was a little off my rocker. My Name is Micheal Dennis and I got bored last night after drinking a few too many (hint the name of the last post). I see no point into wasting this blog through I don't care for an internet journal where others can read it. I'm 24 , I live in a cruddy apartment in the city of Norfolk ,Va . My occupation right now is as a cook for a small pub/restraunt a few blocks from my place. Its a nice little thing I have going the pays alright the hours are fine. I'm Catholic if anyone is interested through I doubt, just always to make things clear.
I play the xbox and use the computer. My parents are across the country living. all the way to the sunbelt. Got a few friends, mostly my coworkers like Rich. I hope this is significant for my second post.
Bless you all (whoever that maybe).
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